I move across multiple languages, media and materials guided by the vibrations of counter-hegemonic embodied epistemologies and technologies from Améfrica Ladina* and the Caribbean, where I come from.
I work with their narrative, aesthetic, sonic and performative characteristics to craft stories that challenge canonical conceptions of being, time and memory and defy the rupture and objectification imposed by colonization and reinforced by coloniality.
In my works I investigate the potentialities of the diasporic being and diasporic knowledges, the his/her/diverse-storytelling as counter-response to dominant narratives and I explore the personal and subjective as a source for crafting performative acts that unveil internalized imposed categories and norms.
My staged, documentary, sculpture and performance based photographs, performance relics, objects and sound works are mainly informed by African and afro-diasporic epistemologies, the hybrid and creole character of magic-realistic storytelling and the Caribbean thinking/feeling/sensing.
I see my work as acts of decolonial imagination,
acts of communication between pluralities,
acts of love.
*Léila Gonzalez