Primero estaba el Mar / In the Beginning was the Sea

“The Caribbean is a cocktail of colonial psychosis”
– Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
from Forms of Education: Couldn’t get a sense of it
– Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
from Forms of Education: Couldn’t get a sense of it
We, here, in these lands of old
and new colonial enterprises,
the tail of the so-called progress hits us
leaving behind erased memories, rivers of plastic,
plates covered with sand.
Consciously or unconsciously we are still carrying
the weight of a colonial heritage
that often does not allow us to look at ourselves
genuinely, sincerely.
How can we, Caribbean, visually articulate the
mixtures, contradictions and encounters that
constantly influence our many identities and histories?
What images can we imagine and create that dare to
counter-narrate fixed repetitive narratives
about ourselves inherited from a colonial past?
In the Beginning was the Sea engages in a search for visual imaginary of mixed mostly contradictory stories and realities from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, with the aim of revealing the signs of coloniality that inform them.
2018 – Ongoing